The Scriptures in Joshua 7 depict a situation for God’s People which is truly disturbing. Prior to the events of the war with the city Ai, the People of God were following the leadership of God and the Word of God and were experiencing first-hand the presence of God, the victories of God, the blessings of God, etc (e.g. see the victory at Jericho in Joshua 6).
However, an event in Joshua 7 occurred which resulted in the following:
What happened? The Word of God was being ignored.
However, an event in Joshua 7 occurred which resulted in the following:
- The People of God are taking casualities.
- The People of God are stopped in their tracks and are dead in the water.
- The People of God are now walled off from the blessings and victories of the Kingdom War against darkness.
What happened? The Word of God was being ignored.