Since May 2019, the Executive Team has approved five Advisory Papers. The fifth paper was approved this month. The purposes of our Advisory Papers vary. Some of the papers are the ET advising the churches how to do something or to consider something. Other papers are the ET advising the churches how the ET is going to function in some arena in which the ET has authority and responsibility. Our first four papers approved were:
Below is the fifth Advisory Papers approved by the ET:
- Safety Measure for a Local Church (9 May 2019)
- Church-Yoke Relationships (9 May 2019)
- Conflict Resolution in the Local Church (11 Jul 2019)
- The Process for Dismissing a Church from the DVMBA (8 Aug 2019)
Below is the fifth Advisory Papers approved by the ET:
Advisory Paper: Purpose & Rhythm of Semi-Annual DVMBA Meetings
Recommended by the Director of Missions and Amended/Approved by Executive Team:10 Jun 2021
As we have prepared for Semi-Annual DVMBA meetings and considered what should be involved in our Semi-Annual meetings, the Executive Team has found itself asking this question:
What is the stated purpose of our Semi-Annual DVMBA meetings?
Observation #1:
Our Associational Constitution gives us no direction whatsoever on this question as can be seen clearly from this constitutional language:
Article IX – Meetings
Observation #2:
It is our desire to derive an intentional purpose for our meetings rather than just following the rhythm of past practices. In our evaluation of past meetings, there seems to have been no overarching purpose to guide the semi-annual meetings. Meetings have consisted of whatever seemed urgent at the time, rather than having a long-term vision for what the meetings are seeking to accomplish.
Observation #3:
Consequently, the Executive Team has determined that our meeting purpose(s) for our semi-annual meetings should be aimed at furthering our stated Vision for the DVMBA (Constitution Article III: Vision):
Consequently, the Executive Team will plan our semi-annual meetings to further these two stated purposes:
In pursuance of these two purposes above, the Executive Team will begin to shape our semi-annual meetings to focus more on attempting to assist our local churches to move toward church health and to move toward more Kingdom-mission endeavors.
Observation #4:
Thus, the Executive Team will be seeking to build a general rhythm in our meetings. While this rhythm will be a guide to the Team, it will not regulate how the Team must operate every time. The rhythm is as follows:
In order to promulgate these two purposes, the Executive Team feels that our meeting times should be anchored in biblical and vibrant worship of our church’s King and Head, Jesus Christ.
Thus, it will be our goal to set the stage for our meeting purposes by having worship music, sermons, and prayers all aimed at the biblical purpose for each meeting. To that end, the Executive Team will be asking our preachers to address biblical texts centered upon a single aspect of either our church health or our church mission/ministry (depending upon the season for the meeting). Additionally, the Executive Team will also be seeking to create a consistent DVMBA worship team to design music around the biblical theme chosen by the Executive Team for that meeting. While making a “good faith” effort to have a balanced blend of worship music at out semi-annual meetings, the end goal of our worship music will be to draw us into a vibrant worship and praise of our Lord.
As we have prepared for Semi-Annual DVMBA meetings and considered what should be involved in our Semi-Annual meetings, the Executive Team has found itself asking this question:
What is the stated purpose of our Semi-Annual DVMBA meetings?
Observation #1:
Our Associational Constitution gives us no direction whatsoever on this question as can be seen clearly from this constitutional language:
Article IX – Meetings
- Section 1 – Associational Meetings – The Association shall have a spring and a fall meeting each year. The meeting dates along with the times and places will be decided by the Executive Team and announced in January of each year. The agenda of these meetings shall be decided by the Executive Team and announced to the member churches 30 days before each meeting.
- Section 2 – Special Meetings may be called by the Executive Team, provided sufficient notice is given to the member churches as to allow them two Sundays between the call and the meeting. The time, place, and agenda of special special meetings shall be determined by the Executive Team.
- Section 3 – Those messengers present at each semi-annual meeting and at any duly called meeting shall constitute a quorum for that meeting.
Observation #2:
It is our desire to derive an intentional purpose for our meetings rather than just following the rhythm of past practices. In our evaluation of past meetings, there seems to have been no overarching purpose to guide the semi-annual meetings. Meetings have consisted of whatever seemed urgent at the time, rather than having a long-term vision for what the meetings are seeking to accomplish.
Observation #3:
Consequently, the Executive Team has determined that our meeting purpose(s) for our semi-annual meetings should be aimed at furthering our stated Vision for the DVMBA (Constitution Article III: Vision):
Consequently, the Executive Team will plan our semi-annual meetings to further these two stated purposes:
- To Promote Church Health
- To Promote Mission Endeavors
In pursuance of these two purposes above, the Executive Team will begin to shape our semi-annual meetings to focus more on attempting to assist our local churches to move toward church health and to move toward more Kingdom-mission endeavors.
Observation #4:
Thus, the Executive Team will be seeking to build a general rhythm in our meetings. While this rhythm will be a guide to the Team, it will not regulate how the Team must operate every time. The rhythm is as follows:
- Fall Meeting: Focus on Mission/Ministry meetings on Thursday evenings (6:00-8:15)
- Spring Meeting: Focus on Church Health meetings on Saturdays (9:00-3:00 w/lunch provided)
In order to promulgate these two purposes, the Executive Team feels that our meeting times should be anchored in biblical and vibrant worship of our church’s King and Head, Jesus Christ.
Thus, it will be our goal to set the stage for our meeting purposes by having worship music, sermons, and prayers all aimed at the biblical purpose for each meeting. To that end, the Executive Team will be asking our preachers to address biblical texts centered upon a single aspect of either our church health or our church mission/ministry (depending upon the season for the meeting). Additionally, the Executive Team will also be seeking to create a consistent DVMBA worship team to design music around the biblical theme chosen by the Executive Team for that meeting. While making a “good faith” effort to have a balanced blend of worship music at out semi-annual meetings, the end goal of our worship music will be to draw us into a vibrant worship and praise of our Lord.